Mental Health Literacy Modules for Grades 7 and 8
Learning about mental health at school can help students build skills and habits that promote well-being. It can also assist with managing stress, recognizing signs of common mental health problems and knowing where and how to seek support if needed.
School Mental Health Ontario is supporting the development and implementation of the new, mandatory mental health modules for grades 7 and 8 released by the Ministry of Education this fall. These modules will help equip students with inclusive, culturally responsive, evidence-informed knowledge, skills, and strategies to support their mental health and well-being.
There are important reasons to bring these modules into the classroom:
- Students want to learn more about mental health at school.
- This learning helps students develop skills that support positive mental health.
- Mental health learning supports learning in all other areas.
- This learning can encourage conversations and help students in need reach support.
- As caring adults in the lives of young people, we want students to be well!
These resources have been developed to provide supports and helpful information to enhance the delivery of the Ministry of Education’s Mental Health Literacy Modules for Grades 7 and 8, which are linked to the existing Health and Physical Education curriculum.
Access the modules on the Ministry of Education’s eCommunity.

Educator Mental Health Literacy Series: Understanding and managing stress