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We don’t provide mental health advice, counselling, or treatment. If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact your local community crisis team. You can also reach out to the Indigenous Hope for Wellness Help Line 1-855-242-3310, the Black Youth Helpline 1-833-294-8650, or Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868.

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Mental Health Literacy Modules for Career Studies (GLC2O)

The Ministry of Education has implemented two new learning modules to support revisions to the existing Career Studies curriculum (GLC2O).

These modules will help enhance mental health literacy, and equip students with culturally-responsive, evidence-informed knowledge, skills and strategies to support their mental health and well-being, both in school and on-going.

School Mental Health Ontario is supporting the development and implementation of the new, mental health modules for Grade 10 Career Studies.

These modules focus on understanding stress management and recognizing signs that stress is becoming problematic.

There are important reasons to bring these modules into the classroom: 

The following resources have been developed to provide supports and helpful information to enhance the delivery of the Ministry of Education’s Mental Health Literacy Modules for Grade 10 Career Studies