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5-10 minutes, plus prep


Primary / Junior / Intermediate


Stock photos (nature, people, animals, random)


To provide students with an opportunity to express and explain a personal choice and perspective, to hear and learn about others’ views

  • Place four pictures/images/quotes in ‘four corners’ to facilitate small group discussion.
  • Ask students to stand near the picture they see themselves in the most.
  • Ask these groups to briefly share why they selected the photo.
  • Encourage students to use active listening skills to learn about what others will share.
  • Emotions, famous works of art, book covers, pictures of facial expressions or words could also be used.
  • Use pictures of historical art, statues, monuments, etc., from around the world.

A student’s confidence in their knowledge of themselves sets the stage for their interest in others, ability to interact/build relationship with others and the world around them. The knowledge of oneself is foundational to many other skills related to mentally healthy selves. Being known by others, being engaged in social interactions and having an opportunity to develop peer relationships all contribute to a student’s self confidence (Bergin & Bergin, 2009; Verschueren, Doumen & Buyse, 2012; DeWit, Karioja & Rye, 2010).

Bergin, C., & Bergin, D. (2009). Attachment in the classroom. Educational Psychology Review, 21(2), 141-170.

De Wit, D. J., Karioja, K., & Rye, B. J. (2010). Student perceptions of diminished teacher and classmate support following the transition to high school: Are they related to declining attendance?. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 21(4), 451-472.

Verschueren, K., Doumen, S., & Buyse, E. (2012). Relationships with mother, teacher, and peers: Unique and joint effects on young children’s self-concept. Attachment & Human Development, 14(3), 233-248.