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ONE-CALL Desk Reference

The purpose of this resource is to help school staff notice, identify, and respond to potential mental health concerns early, to achieve better outcomes for students.

Why is the ONE-CALL desk reference important?

 The ONE-CALL desk reference is important for three main reasons:

  1. Early identification and support: By using the ONE-CALL desk reference, educators can notice changes in a student’s expression of thoughts, feelings or actions early. This early identification and support can prevent mental health concerns from escalating and can lead to better outcomes for students.
  2. Supportive relationships: School staff are well-positioned to foster supportive relationships with students by actively listening, validating their feelings, and supporting their agency to make decisions about their mental health. Supportive relationships are crucial for facilitating open discussions about mental health and essential for students’ overall well-being. 
  3. Guidance for action: ONE-CALL stands for Observe, Notice, Explore, Connect, Ask, Listen, and Link. This tool provides a framework for school staff to follow when they are concerned about a student’s well-being.

How can the ONE-CALL desk reference be used?

ONE-CALL is not a checklist, rather it is a tool that offers some guidance for school staff about noticing and responding to potential mental health concerns. This guidance should always be considered within the context of one’s local school board policies, protocols and pathways regarding mental health.

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Fante-Coleman, T., & Jackson-Best, F. (2020). Barriers and Facilitators to Accessing Mental Healthcare in Canada for Black Youth: A Scoping Review. Adolescent Research Review, 5(2), 115–136.

Fadus, M. C., Ginsburg, K. R., Sobowale, K., Halliday-Boykins, C. A., Bryant, B. E., Gray, K. M., & Squeglia, L. M. (2020). Unconscious Bias and the Diagnosis of Disruptive Behavior Disorders and ADHD in African American and Hispanic Youth. Academic Psychiatry, 44(1), 95–102.

Kamali, M., Edwards, J., Anderson, L. N., Duku, E., & Georgiades, K. (2023). Social Disparities in Mental Health Service Use Among Children and Youth in Ontario: Evidence From a General, Population-Based Survey. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry / La Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie, 68(8), 596-604.

Okpalauwaekwe, U., Ballantyne, C., Tunison, S. & Ramsden, V.R. (2022). Enhancing health and wellness by, for and with Indigenous youth in Canada: a scoping review. BMC Public Health 22, 1630

Onipede, Z. A., Park, A. L., & Lau, A. S. (2024). Common Elements of Trauma-Informed Schools and Attention to Racial Equity: A Scoping Review. School Mental Health.