5-10 minutes
Primary / Junior / Intermediate
To help students adopt a growth mindset when faced with challenges
- Whenever students encounter challenges, remind them of the power of yet! Reframe any negative self-talk that you hear, and replace the student’s statements with a more optimistic, growth perspective.
- I can’t do that…yet.
- I don’t understand…yet.
- Watch for students using “yet” language and reinforce them for taking this learning stance
- Video: Carol Dweck – Power of Yet, TEDxNorrköping
- Read: The Little Engine That Could (Piper, W) and/or stories of professional athletes who use visualizations
- Consider using ‘the power of yet’ posters or other visuals around the classroom.
- Could be used to encourage collaboration and empathy for individual differences.
- This practice may be helpful when introducing new skills and concepts.
- Teaching the concept of growth mindset in the classroom before introducing this practice may be helpful.
Taking a growth mindset appears to be a helpful tool for facing challenges. It provides a space for learning through difficulties, and for thriving in spite of hurdles (Dweck 2006; Dweck, 2008). Though the evidence base is young in this area, encouraging a growth mindset seems to hold promise for reframing negative life events and inspiring positive action.
Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. Random House Incorporated.
Dweck, C. S. (2008). Mindsets and Math. Science Achievement, 2, 1-1.
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