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Understanding school mental health supports to help your child

It takes a village to raise a child, and that village includes schools. Building trusting relationships and ongoing communication between parents/caregivers and schools helps with learning, as well as student mental health. Education systems are complex; and at times navigating them can be challenging.

How will my child’s school support their wellbeing and mental health? 

School boards across the province employ a three-tiered approach to mental health support for all Ontario students: 

Tier 1 (designed to be good for all) — Schools’ daily efforts to welcome and include each student, boost mental health awareness, and create a supportive environment within the school community.

Tier 2 (necessary for some) – Educators and school staff teach mental health skills and work to eliminate barriers to learning. Regulated school mental health professionals provide school-based prevention and early intervention services.  

Tier 3 (essential for a few) – Mental health professionals sometimes provide more support at school for students who require it.  However, it’s often better for young people to access appropriate community or health services. School staff can help coordinate a student’s ongoing care. 

How is mental health learning delivered at school? 

Learning about mental health—or “mental health literacy”— is offered both directly and indirectly at school:

Directly: Select staff teach students about promoting good mental health, recognizing signs of mental health problems, supporting peers, and reaching out for help when needed. 

Indirectly: Wellness strategies such as deep breathing before a test, or having posters around a school reminding students where to seek assistance help them understand their emotions and navigate conflict in real-time situations. 

Mental health literacy lessons are mandatory in grades 7, 8, and 10. Parents/caregivers can access this information to continue the conversation at home.

Should I reach out to the school if I notice changes in my child’s mental health?

If you’re concerned about your child’s mental health, speak to their classroom teacher or another staff member with whom you feel comfortable. 

Clearly express your concerns so you and the staff can find the best solution. Share any information you think will assist the staff member, including specific behaviours you’ve noticed and approaches that work for your child. 

  • Ask staff members what they’ve noticed at school and compare it to home life.
  • Request a meeting with the school principal or guidance counsellor to discuss your child.  
  • Ask about ongoing communication options to share new information with the school. 

*This tool may help you to organize thoughts and share concerns if you seek support for your child.

Educators aren’t mental health professionals and can’t diagnose mental health problems. However, they can help with professional mental health care referrals and provide ongoing classroom support.  

If I reach out to the school, will it stay confidential?  

School staff must maintain confidentiality regarding personal matters, including mental health concerns. 

If your child receives mental health services at school, no other staff members are aware of or have access to information without the permission of your child and/or yourself as their parent/caregiver. 

Important exceptions to confidentiality include: 

Duty to Report: If a student is at risk of harming themselves or others, school staff are legally obligated to report this to Children’s Aid Societies and/or relevant emergency services. This includes situations where there is a concern about potential self-harm, harm to/from others, or abuse. 

School Policies: to ensure the well-being of students, school boards may have specific policies regarding information sharing among staff members. For further clarity around confidentiality, speak to your child’s principal. 

Staff may need to share certain information with student support staff, school mental health professionals, principals, or other relevant personnel to provide appropriate support. You can ask the staff member who else they may need to inform or get involved.

Who supports mental health at school? 

Schools are the most common places for students to access mental health supports. Supports include: 

Teachers assist with identifying and monitoring mental health problems and provide ongoing support in the classroom. 

Educational Assistants work with teachers to support the well-being of students receiving special education services. 

Principals and Vice Principals collaborate with parents and caregivers to provide further information and help coordinate supports.  

Guidance and Special Education Teachers offer additional support to meet a student’s individual needs. 

Student support staff like child and youth practitioners and graduation coaches, help promote wellness and offer skill development in small group settings. 

School mental health professionals, like social workers and psychologists, conduct formal assessments and provide brief interventions at school. 

Schools can also link you to community mental health professionals for more intensive therapeutic services.

How can I advocate for my child and their mental health? 

Advocate for your child by speaking up and ensuring their needs and wishes are heard: 

  • Communicate with your child’s teacher and school staff about your child’s mental health. 
  • Request and participate in meetings about your child’s mental health. 

If my child has a disability or is receiving special education services  – how can I further advocate for their mental health?  

If your child is identified through an Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) process or has an Individual Education Plan (IEP), you’ll have additional connections to school staff. Advocate by contacting school staff directly.  Use team meetings or the IPRC process to express and share your concerns and ideas to support your child at school. 

How can I support my child if they want to advocate for themselves? 

  • Encourage your child to speak with an educator or caring adult at school. Including them in the process builds capacity, confidence, and skills for the future. 
  • Consider having them attend meetings to explain their experience and needs. 
  • Involve them in the decision-making process.

Note: Please see the PDF version for further descriptions and information

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