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Supporting your child’s well-being

As parents/caregivers, we want our children to grow up physically and mentally healthy, to build meaningful relationships, and to successfully navigate life’s challenges. We want them to have confidence and to feel emotionally healthy and strong. In short, we want our children to have a strong sense of well-being.

What is well-being? 

Well-being involves feeling good, functioning well, experiencing positive emotions and striving to be your best self. It also means having a sense of purpose, feeling that what you do matters, and enjoying healthy, supportive relationships. Collectively, these factors contribute to healthy development and a positive sense of self.

Why is well-being important?

Children with a sense of well-being feel like they belong. They have a positive self-image, strong relationship skills, and can manage difficulties. They are also more motivated and engaged in learning.  

Children who lack a sense of well-being may struggle to trust others or feel optimistic about their development and growth. They may also find it hard to recover from setbacks. 

How can I support my child’s well-being? 

As a parent/caregiver, you play an essential role in nurturing your child’s well-being. The following factors are essential to a child’s well-being: 


Healthy eating supports children’s physical growth and development, improves mood and concentration, and maintains energy throughout the day.  

It also boosts learning, helps with stress management and emotional regulation, and improves sleep. 

Tips for supporting your child’s nutrition: 

  • Choose frozen or canned fruits and vegetables when fresh is not an option. 
  • When possible, involve your child in food shopping and age-appropriate meal preparation, and explore new foods together. 
  • Eat meals with your child whenever possible and turn off screens. 

Healthy body image 

Nurture a positive body image by being mindful of how you talk about your own body and eating.  

Tips for nurturing positive body image:  

  • Avoid categorizing foods into “good” or “bad”.  
  • Model positive body talk to your child.  
  • Celebrate body diversity.  


Sleep is crucial for mental and physical health.  

Age/Recommended sleep: 

  • ages 5-13 years old – 9-11 hours of sleep/night 
  • ages 14-17 – 8-10 hours of sleep/night 

Tips to help your child to get a good night’s sleep: 

  • Set a bedtime/sleep routine that works for you and your child.  
  • Limit screen use to 1 to 2 hours before bed. 
  • Encourage your child to discuss their worries; excess worry can disrupt sleep.  

Physical activity 

Your child should get at least one hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day. The Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth (ages 5-17) encourage the following each day: 

  • Sweat (through moderate to vigorous physical activity) – for at least 60 minutes daily. Examples include biking, swimming, walking, running, climbing, and jumping. 
  • Step (light physical activity) –via several hours of structured and unstructured light physical activities, such as walking around school between classes. 

Ontario schools implement a Daily Physical Activity (DPA) program, requiring all elementary students to engage in at least 20 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity daily. 

Some children may struggle with certain forms of physical activity due to medical or mobility issues. Consider adapting or modifying activities that appeal to your child’s interests and strengths. 

Tips to encourage physical activity: 

  • Be physically active as a family when possible. 
  • Carve out time daily for your child to be physically active. 
  • Note the physical activities your child enjoys and create opportunities to explore them whenever possible. 


Structured and unstructured play are core to your child’s development and central to their physical, social, and mental health. Play helps build confidence and boosts decision-making and problem-solving skills. 

Phrases that help support your child to explore free play safely: 

  • Do you feel… stable on that log of wood/with the heat of that fire? 
  • Notice how… these rocks are slippery/this tool is sharp? 
  • Are you feeling… scared/excited/safe? 
  • How will you… get down/go up/go across? 
  • Do you have…the equipment/clothing that you need? 

Note that adolescents, teens (and even adults) still benefit from play, although it may look different with age. 

Screen Time 

Electronics and screens let us communicate and connect. However, excessive use hurts mental health. The Canadian Pediatric Society recommends: 

  • For children aged 2-5: less than one hour of screen time per day. 
  • For children and teens aged 5-17: less than two hours daily. 

Tips to establish healthy screen habits at home: 

  • Set age-appropriate screen time limits for your child and role model with your own screen usage. 
  • Turn off the TV at mealtimes and when no one is watching. 
  • Avoid using screens 1 to 2 hours before bed. 

Healthy Relationships and Social Skills: 

In addition to basic needs like nutritious food and sleep, you help shape your child’s attitude toward safe and trusting relationships*, society, school and learning, and life goals.  

To learn more about how to support your child to build healthy and strong relationships see:

Where can I go for support? 

If you have concerns or questions about your child’s overall well-being, speak to their teacher or a staff member with whom you feel comfortable, your family doctor, and/or your local public health unit for resources and support. 

Note: Please see the PDF version for further descriptions and information

Helpful resources 

If you have concerns or questions about your child’s overall well-being, you can speak with your child’s classroom teacher or another school staff member with whom you feel comfortable, your family doctor and/or your local public health unit for resources and support.

Canada, H. (2022, March 16). SECTION 1 Foundation for healthy eating. Canada Food Guide.

Children & Youth 5-17 Years – 24-Hour Movement Guidelines. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2024, from

Guidelines and Tools. (n.d.). Eating Disorders Ontario. Retrieved October 24, 2024, from

Ruggeri, K., Garcia-Garzon, E., Maguire, Á., Matz, S., & Huppert, F. A. (2020). Well-being is more than happiness and life satisfaction: a multidimensional analysis of 21 countries. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 18(1), 192.

Sleep for children and youth. (2022, March 18).

Society, C. P. (n.d.). Screen time and preschool children: Promoting health and development in a digital world | Canadian Paediatric Society. Retrieved October 24, 2024, from