Grounding Techniques Social Media Bundles
With the help of Ontario secondary students, we have developed social media shareables on grounding techniques.
Stay Grounded
Grounding exercises may help you manage overwhelming emotions. Grounding can help you center, and/or create a safe place for yourself. These exercises do not serve as a long-term solution. However, they do offer momentary outlets that can help you gain control over an emotional moment.
Using simple acronyms that are easy to remember, this resource offers techniques that you can use in moments where you are experiencing strong emotions.
Grounding Techniques

This may be a good moment to Pause. Take some time to reflect on your day and engage in self-care.
Grounding is a set of strategies used to help detach from challenging emotions. It does not seek to solve a problem, but offers a strategy for a person to gain control over an emotional moment.

List every letter in the alphabet in a specific category. Examples of categories are: animals, songs, food, names, etc. This technique helps to refocus your thoughts.

Take a moment to catch and control your breath. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds and hold for 4 seconds– repeat as necessary. This helps to lower the stress in your body because it sends messages to your brain to calm down and relax.

SOLID, according to dictionary means – to never fold. For us, in this moment, it serves as a gentle reminder that you – got – this.
Take a moment to reflect and engage in self-care. Remind yourself that you, in fact, are SOLID
Grounding is a set of strategies used to help detach from challenging emotions. It does not seek to solve a problem but offers a strategy for a person to gain control over an emotional moment.

Take a moment to do a body scan. What are some of the senses you are feeling throughout your body, mind and spirit?

Take a moment to reflect and engage in self-care.
Grounding is a set of strategies used to help detach from challenging emotions. It does not seek to solve a problem, but offers a strategy for a person to gain control over an emotional moment

As you are able, take a moment to place your feet on the ground. Notice the feeling of yourself connecting with the earth. Offer yourself a moment to breathe.

As you are able, grab an item with unique textures and colours in your hand. Turn your complete focus to this item. How does this item feel? What do you notice about the item? Are there any colours on the item that stick out to you most?

As you are able, place your hand on a sheet of paper and use a pencil, pen or marker to trace your hand. Take some time to feel the pressure of your hand on the paper. You can also say an affirmation while you are tracing your hand. I am intelligent and talented I am proud of myself, today I am doing my best, today

Take some time to name facts about the current moment:
My name is…
Today is…
The season is…
The weather is…
I am in….
Download the complete Grounding Techniques Bundle