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Prepare, Prevent, Respond: Mobilizing resources in suicide prevention

An opportunity for boards to learn about PPR for school staff & hear key learnings of implementation from colleagues.

It is important that school and board staff are equipped to be able to respond effectively when students present with a risk of suicide. To ensure this, Mental Health Leadership Teams may wish to consider providing suicide intervention training to all school staff.  

In 2022, SMHO released a suite of resources that were created alongside educators and school mental health professionals from across the province with goal of providing all school boards with the opportunity to access a workshop and resources for school staff on the topic of suicide prevention / life promotion.  

The workshop will provide boards with key learnings from their colleagues who have implemented Prepare, Prevent, Respond, as well as an overview of the suite of resources that were designed to help school staff to (1) understand the power of wellness promotion in suicide prevention, (2) notice the signs that a student may be struggling with suicidal thoughts and/or behaviour, (3) develop knowledge, skills, comfort, and confidence to respond, and (4) connect students in need with further support.  

For more information: Prepare; Prevent; Respond Training Workshop 

Audience: Mental health leadership teams 

Language: The presentation will be delivered in English. Materials and breakout rooms will be available in English and French. 

Any questions, contact Sherry Sim, Event Coordinator at 1-866-655-8548 or by email: .

For more information or to register, contact your school board’s mental health leader.