5 minutes
Mural paper, markers
To help students plan for effective and balanced use of their time
- What are the activities, responsibilities and commitments that are typical for the students in your class (e.g., homework, projects, school activities, sports, commitments with friends, etc.)?
- How do they manage all of their commitments?
- How are they prioritizing their different responsibilities?
- Do they use checklists to help organize their time/commitments/responsibilities?
- If so, how does it feel to check items off the list?
- Finally, as being organized is a learned skill, determine how this skill will be developed in class:
- Will there be a class responsibility checklist?
- Will students have the opportunity to create a personal checklist?
- Will there be a combination of both options?
Students of all ages should constantly be furthering their organization and self-management skills as the demands for these changes based on developmental level and environment. This becomes particularly evident as students reach higher grades when they are required to manage their own time. Educators at every grade level can do their students a great service by adding these skills into their planning. Students with strong skills will be able to do things like get homework in on time, take the opportunity for extra help when needed, and be able to perform to their best at school and elsewhere (Boller, 2008). These skills all further support ongoing mental health!
“Efficient organization and time management is the first step to becoming an independent learner; however, students must also develop and use effective self-management skills, including self-monitoring, self-evaluating, and self-reinforcing, as needed.” Paulsen & Sayeski (2013)
Boller, B. (2008). Teaching organizational skills in middle school: Moving toward independence. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 81(4), 169-171.
Paulsen, K., & Sayeski, K. L. (2013). Using study skills to become independent learners in secondary content classes. Intervention in School and Clinic, 49(1), 39-45.
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