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A Spark of Art – Virtual Student Art Gallery

An illustration of a student wearing a hijab, sitting at a desk with a laptop.

Text in image: Welcome to A Spark of Art!

The ThriveSMH Equity team is happy to announce the official launch of A Spark of Art. Students from across the province were invited to submit their interpretations of the intersections between mental health and equity through an art form. We are incredibly grateful for their submissions and excited to see the exhibit come to life.  

Venture through this space with us here. Please share with your networks.  

A Spark of Art at PLM

We are excited to announce that A Spark of Art was on display at the 2024 Spring Provincial Leadership Meeting. Together, we had an opportunity to explore the virtual art space curated by the ThriveSMH Equity team.  

Thank you to each of the student organizers for their hard work on this project. None of this would have been possible without their brilliance.  

We also want to share a huge thank you to each of the students who submitted an art piece. We are incredibly grateful for their contribution.