A message of love to Indigenous students
Building community is an intentional act. It takes people with pure and genuine hopes to come together and make a decision to support, care and love one another.
Toni Lauzon, Tanja Steinbach and Connor Lafortune exude these qualities and more. They came together to share space and words; words from their heart to Indigenous students across Ontario. Their intentions were pure. Their messages although separate all spoke to community. Finding your community, valuing yourself in community and trusting the support of your community.
Hey, everyone, I’m from Burnt Church, First Nation in New Brunswick. I am the Reconciliation, Equity, and Identity Affirming Mental Health Consultant here with School Mental Health Ontario. My message for Indigenous students is as a young person growing up as a Black and Mi’Kmaw child I struggled with which box that I fit in, whether I was Black, or whether I was Mi’kmaw, and did that change, depending on which side of the family I was with, or which friend group I was with, or which setting I was in. The more that I learned that I was never designed to fit into a box, and that there was not one way to be native or one way to be black. It opened up a different world for me. One that let me embrace both of my cultures to their fullest and help me understand that it didn’t make me any less Black to learn Mi’maq language, culture or my roots on that side of the family. So, some of us are born mixed. Some of us are born blessed with 2 spirits. Some of us are born with differing abilities. It doesn’t make us any less of our Indigenous identities. So, I just want you to know that your identity may not fit into a box or likely doesn’t fit into a box that was never created for us to fit into a box. Just embrace that. Lean into that. You’re beautiful, just the way that you are, and don’t let anybody tell you any different.
Hi, my name is Tanja. I am Mi’Kmaw from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. I’m part of the 60’s scoop, and I just want to piggyback on what Toni said about fitting in, and the challenges that we have, and figuring out who we are, as Mi’Kmaw or Mohawk or Anishinaabe people and that each and every one of us is on a different journey. For the purpose of today, and this month I just want you to be aware that here at School Mental Health Ontario, we are celebrating your strength and your resilience, and your invaluable contributions to your schools, and to your communities. Remember that your voice matters and share that your unique perspectives and your stories and aspirations with the world. Dream big and set ambitious goals and never be afraid to reach for the stars. Your dreams are the seeds of possibility, and remember, you are not alone on this journey. Connect with your fellow Indigenous youth, mentors, communities that uplift and support you and believe in you.
Aanii boozhoo Oshkinijig, G’chi Waabshka Mukwa ndizhinikaaz Okikendawt ndonjiibaa bineshiinh ndondem Anishinaabe nini ndow.
Bonjour tout le monde, je suis ici pour représenter la jeunesse francophone autochtone. Mon nom c’est Connor Lafortune et mon nom d’esprit, c’est le grand esprit de l’ours. Je suis un consultant de la santé mentale, de la jeunesse autochtone à SMSO. Je suis ici pour parler à l’intersectionnalité de la francophonie et identités autochtones puisque j’ai cette expérience d’être élevé dans une communauté surtout francophones, non autochtones et une communauté autochtone qui, était non francophone. Pour moi, c’était quelque chose qui était très difficile à naviguer en jeunesse, c’est d’essayer de trouver ma place d’essayer de trouver les endroits de je me sentais confortable à être mon même puis je veux juste vous partager le message que vous êtes tellement aimé, il y a une communauté tellement grande prêt à vous accepter comme vous êtes dans la langue que vous choisissez de parler, que ce soit un français brisé, ou un français qui peut plutôt parfait, de l’anglais, des langues traditionnelles aussi tout entremêlées, vous êtes tellement des personnes belles, puis je vous aime plus que vous le sachez, rester fier, restez fort et surtout trouvez-vous, une communauté qui vous accepter comme vous êtes, parce que vous êtes tellement beau de cette façon, merci.