Need help now?

We don’t provide mental health advice, counselling, or treatment. If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact your local community crisis team. You can also reach out to the Indigenous Hope for Wellness Help Line 1-855-242-3310, the Black Youth Helpline 1-833-294-8650, or Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868.

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School Mental Health Desk Reference for Supervisory Officers

The Desk Reference for Supervisory Officers highlights the importance of leadership commitment, alignment and coherence of the vision, which are all key to creating the conditions that support identity-affirming student mental health.

This two-page reference is a quick guide that supervisory officers can use to inspire and implement system-wide commitment to school mental health.

Supervisory Officers play a vital role in establishing the conditions for quality, consistency and sustainability in school mental health.

How might I use this guide?

Supervisory officers can use this guide to understand, communicate and activate the shared responsibility for effective mental health and well-being strategies. This helps bring coherence to the work with departments and families of schools.