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5-10 minutes




Stock photos (nature, people, animals, random)


To provide students with an opportunity to express and explain a personal choice and perspective, to hear and learn about others’ views and to bolster critical thinking skills in the process

  • Provide context for the practice (see “Evidence” section).
  • Provide ground rules for the practice, (see strategies in the “Active constructive listening” practice).
  • Post photos around the room.
  • Ask students to stand near the picture that resonates most with them at this time.
  • Each student within these newly formed groups (according to the selected images) briefly shares why they selected the photo, if comfortable.
  • As a class, discuss/reflect on the discussions that were generated related to the selected picture.

NOTE: There might be self-disclosures. Please know your responsibility to access support.

Complementary practice: Active constructive listening (Healthy relationship skills)

  • Come up with a prayer that reflects the station you are at.
  • Use prayer or Biblical passages, pictures of Joyful/Sorrowful Mysteries, stations of the cross, pictures of historical/religious art, statues, monuments, etc., from around the world.

A student’s confidence in their knowledge of themselves sets the stage for their interest in, and ability to interact/build relationships with others and the world around them (Bergin & Bergin, 2009). Knowing oneself is foundational to many skills related to being mentally healthy (Bergin & Bergin, 2009). Being known by others, being engaged in social interactions and having an opportunity to develop peer relationships all contribute to a student’s self-confidence (Bergin & Bergin, 2009; DeWit et al., 2010).

Bergin, C., & Bergin, D. (2009). Attachment in the classroom. Educational Psychology Review, 21(2), 141-170.

De Wit, D. J., Karioja, K., & Rye, B. J. (2010). Student perceptions of diminished teacher and classmate support following the transition to high school: Are they related to declining attendance?. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 21(4), 451-472.

Our faith journey reflects who we are and who we strive to become. Engaging with visual texts helps us to reflect and recognize how we connect to our world. Sharing what we feel, notice, and are curious about, helps us to understand the various paths we take in developing our sense of self in different contexts.

(5a) A collaborative contributor who works effectively as an interdependent team member.