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Primary / Junior / Intermediate


An item from home


To help students identify important aspects of themselves, to practice sharing pieces of their identity with classmates and to understand the value of uniqueness and diversity

  • A few students per day can share something about themselves using a circle approach.
  • Students can bring in an item that tells something about themselves to share with the class, they may tell a story or say something they feel happy about, or there can be a theme (favourite songs, what they are grateful for, etc.).
  • Ensure all students get a chance to show and share. They can also ‘pass’ if they choose to.
  • Model first, to set the right tone and length for sharing.
  • End each student’s share with a brief positive acknowledgement.
  • Some classes may wish to use a talking stick.
  • This practice can be used to get to know new students or, when there is a teacher change during the year, for the teacher to get to know students and vice versa.

Students being known, understood and cared for by teachers and peers supports their development of key relationship building skills needed for lifelong social success. These skills begin developing very early in life but are constantly changing and will need to be further developed throughout the school years (Verschueren, Doumen & Buyse, 2012; Bergin & Bergin, 2009).

Bergin, C., & Bergin, D. (2009). Attachment in the classroom. Educational Psychology Review, 21(2), 141-170.

Verschueren, K., Doumen, S., & Buyse, E. (2012). Relationships with mother, teacher, and peers: Unique and joint effects on young children’s self-concept. Attachment & Human Development, 14(3), 233-248.

Scripture teaches us about the power of story. In the Gospels, we learn about the life of Jesus, and the lives of those touched by Jesus. Artifacts shape our stories, our faith journey, and create a gateway for sharing and building community.

(5e) A collaborative contributor who respects the rights, responsibilities and contributions of self and others.

Belonging and contributing: to develop with relationships with others, and contributions as part of a group, a community, and the natural world