5-20 minutes
Primary / Junior / Intermediate
To help students intentionally notice the positive elements in their day and shift the balance towards optimism
- The thumb is the closest finger to you. Start praying/expressing gratitude for those who are closest to you.
- The next finger is the index. Pray/express gratitude for those who teach you, instruct you and heal you.
- The following finger is the tallest. It reminds us of our leaders and those in authority.
- The fourth finger is the ring finger, the weakest finger. It reminds us to pray for those in need.
- And finally, your pinkie reminds you to pray/be grateful for yourself.
Gratitude is a concept related to the positive psychology movement and reflects the value that has been shown in holding an optimistic worldview. Many evidence-based programs that are designed to enhance optimism and reduce depressive symptoms have activities that help students to “find the silver lining”.
Identifying gratitude and sharing it with another was found to benefit not only the individual but also the receiver (Kleinman, et al., 2013). Experiencing gratitude makes someone more likely to help others, possibly creating more opportunities for others to experience gratitude (Bartlett & DeSteno, 2006).
Gratitude is a concept related to the positive psychology movement and reflects the value that has been shown in holding an optimistic worldview. Many evidence-based programs that are designed to enhance optimism and reduce depressive symptoms have activities that help students to “find the silver lining”.
Toepfer, et al. (2012) found that writing letters of gratitude had, over time, a positive impact on individual well-being and supported a decrease in depressive symptoms (not a measure of major depression). Identifying gratitude and sharing it with another was found to benefit not only the individual but also the receiver (Kleinman, et al., 2013).
Bartlett, M. Y., & DeSteno, D. (2006). Gratitude and prosocial behavior: Helping when it costs you. Psychological science, 17(4), 319-325.
Kleiman, E. M., Adams, L. M., Kashdan, T. B., & Riskind, J. H. (2013). Gratitude and grit indirectly reduce risk of suicidal ideations by enhancing meaning in life: Evidence for a mediated moderation model. Journal of Research in Personality, 47(5), 539-546.
Prayer is an act of the moral virtue and important part of faith development. Engaging students in opportunity for petition prayer provides students with an opportunity to communicate through prayer with God.
(6c,d) A caring family member who values and honours the important role of the family in society, and values and nurtures opportunities for family prayer.
Self-regulation and well-being: to develop regulation of their emotions
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