10-15 minutes
Junior / Intermediate
Chart paper, markers (optional)
To help students become better problem solvers and become better judges of what and how they learn
- Inform students that, following the lesson, they’ll need to identify what the three key ideas of the lesson were.
- Provide tips for active listening:
- Look at the speaker.
- Ask clarifying questions.
- Make connections to prior knowledge (e.g., “This reminds me of…” or “How does this change my thinking about?”).
- Following the lesson, ask students to write down three key ideas.
- Ask students to share the three key ideas of the lesson.
- Ask students to self-check how closely theirs matched the intended learning goals.
- Complementary practice: Purposeful listening (Healthy relationship skills)
- Adapted from Constructing Meaning by Nancy N Boyles
- Using stems such as: I’m thinking; I’m wondering; I’m noticing… can help students pay attention. You may also want to add the stem: I’m feeling…
Goal setting and self-monitoring, in an academic learning environment, are critical skills to effective organization for a student. Organization skills are intricately linked to academic achievement and therefore, any organization skills taught to a student further their potential for success! (Anderson, Munk, Young, Conley & Caldarella, 2008; Boller, 2008).
NOTE: Engaging in active listening can help students practice responding to the thoughts and emotions of others with empathy. This can support building a community of empathy and concern for others in the classroom (Pace et al., 2013; van Schaik & Hunnius, 2016).
Boyles, N. N. (2004). Constructing meaning through kid-friendly comprehension strategy instruction. Maupin House Pub.
Pace, T. W. W., Negi, L. T., Dodson-Lavelle, B., Ozawa-de Silva, B., Reddy, S. D., Cole, S. P., . . . Raison, C. L. (2013). Engagement with Cognitively-Based Compassion Training is associated with reduced salivary C-reactive protein from before to after training in foster care program adolescents. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38(2), 294-299. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.05.019
van Schaik, J. E., & Hunnius, S. (2016). Little chameleons: The development of social mimicry during early childhood. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 147(Complete), 71-81. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2016.03.003
Self-reflection is an important part of faith life. When we recognize and name the unique ways we think and feel, we develop self-awareness, and empathy. Through self-reflection we become better able to realize our God given potential.
(3c) A reflective creative and holistic thinker who thinks reflectively and creatively to evaluate situations and solve problems.
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