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We don’t provide mental health advice, counselling, or treatment. If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact your local community crisis team. You can also reach out to the Indigenous Hope for Wellness Help Line 1-855-242-3310, the Black Youth Helpline 1-833-294-8650, or Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868.

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SMH-ON Team – 2024 Spring Provincial Leadership Meeting

Registration Link for the SMH-ON Team EVENT: Optimizing Leadership in School Mental Health: Engagement, System Alignment and Coherence

This opportunity will build on priorities outlined in the Policy/Program Memorandum 169 (PPM 169), focusing on engagement practices across the system to reinforce alignment and coherence in school mental health. Highlights will include the participation of Thrive SMH students as co-facilitators, a student-led art installation, and interactive opportunities for you to guide discussions with colleagues on current practice inquiries and emerging issues. Our colleagues from the Ministry of Education will join us to offer support and provide key updates.

Audience: Mental health leaders, managers of psychology and social work services, and supervisory officers responsible for the mental health portfolio, are all welcome. For mental health leadership teams wishing to register more people than those listed above, please contact your coach.


Virtual: An option to participate virtually for both days through our zoom platform will be available.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm EST


· in-person sign-in and networking will begin at 8:30 am EST

· the first day of the meeting is extended to 5:30 PM

Thursday, June 6, 2024: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm EST

What to expect:

Mental Health Literacy: Explore resources and build on lessons learned to increase student awareness and understanding of identity-affirming mental health, knowledge and skills to promote their own well-being, reach out for help and support their peers.

Student and Parent/Caregiver Engagement: Discuss effective approaches to encourage differentiated student participation, agency, and leadership in school mental health by exploring the Student Engagement Toolkit with the SMH-ON student engagement team and ThriveSMH. Share approaches for meaningful and identity-affirming parent/caregiver engagement and generate solutions for emerging parent/caregiver needs related to student mental health.

Networking, Consultation, and Collaboration: Engage in consultations and networking sessions to connect with colleagues on emerging topics and common questions of practice to enhance mental health support systems across the province.

Reflect and Connect for Strategic Planning, System Alignment and Coherence: Engage in team discussions focused on developing action plans and strategies that foster system/school collaboration, alignment, and cohesion of school mental health supports and services across the continuum of care.

A Spark of Art and Practice Exchange Space: Experience and celebrate the creative expressions of student perspectives and personal reflections of the intersection of mental health and equity. Participate in an opportunity to shine a light on and learn about innovative student engagement practices with colleagues across the province. If you would like to participate in the practice exchange, please complete the linked form available after you register.

Please register early to secure your spot.

Venue: Sheraton Toronto Airport Conference Centre, 801 Dixon Road, Toronto ON M9W 1J5

For more information or to register, contact your school board’s mental health leader.