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CBT IA Community of Practice

The focus group after the CBT-IA training is to facilitate improvements to the pilot training materials and offering.

About this event

The focus group after the CBT-IA training is to facilitate improvements to the pilot training materials and offering. The participants also share and learn from each other about implementation tips for CBT–IA in their boards.

This COP serves to support the implementation of CBT-IA in board who have taken part in the training. These sessions provide opportunities SMHPs team in the field to trouble shoot and share their implementation successes and challenges. This COP session is for SMHP, Managers and MHL's who have already attended the SMH-ON CBT-IA training.

A community of practice (CoP) is a group of people who share a common concern, a set of problems, or an interest in a topic and who come together to fulfill both individual and group goals. These (Cop)s will repeat and as more SMHP team are trained in CBT IA, there is an open invitation to participation.


This COP session is for SMHP, Managers and MHL's who already attended the SMH-ON CBT IA training and by invitation only. Please contact Barbara Ward or Tracey Grose if you are interested in being part of the scale up.

Several COPs will be offered throughout the school year.


This session will be delivered in English. It is not available in French at this time.

The link to the zoom meeting will be sent before the event and materials required for this training.

Any questions, please contact Barbara Ward by email: or Tracey Grose by email:

For more information or to register, contact your school board’s mental health leader.