To improve goal setting and time management skills by learning how to set reasonable, achievable goals
- Have a class discussion about goal setting and what it means to set reasonable, achievable goals.
- Identify the desired outcome (e.g., project, independent work, etc.) and completion date.
- Students identify the tasks required for the completion of the desired outcome (this can be done as a whole class, small group, in partners or individually).
- During the beginning of class, take a few minutes to review student goal setting and time management towards achieving desired outcomes.
- Students reflect on whether they are on track, and what they need to do if they are not.
- Determine the need for organizing binders/calendars:
- provide an example or give a list of what should be in binders
- provide time to sort papers, ensure that work is titled, secure, etc.
Taking time to keep track of upcoming assignments is helpful in lessening feelings of stress and anxiety surrounding schoolwork (Boller, 2008). Research suggests using a visual organizer, like an agenda, can help students complete their work on time, feel less stressed, and achieve their goals (Boller, 2008; Embry & Biglan, 2008).
Boller, B. (2008). Teaching organizational skills in middle school: Moving toward independence. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 81(4), 169-171.
Embry, D. D., & Biglan, A. (2008). Evidence-based kernels: fundamental units of behavioral influence. Clinical child and family psychology review, 11(3), 75–113. doi:10.1007/s10567-008-0036-x
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