Research and benefits

While on this site, you may notice a pop up in the bottom right corner of the screen that prompts you to answer a few questions. Please consider sharing your experience. We’re interested in hearing from teachers who have tried using the resource with students.  

You can also provide feedback on specific practices using the feedback button located on every practice page, or by submitting general comments through our contact form.  

Evaluation of the elementary version of the resource 

In 2017-2018, the elementary resource was examined in nine Ontario English public boards with 153 educators. The objective of the study was to determine whether the Everyday Mental Health Classroom Resource improved educators’: 

  • Knowledge of SEL 
  • Confidence in their skills to deliver SEL practices 
  • Beliefs about the benefits of SEL 
  • Perception of classroom climate (optimizing the learning environment) 
  • Perception of the number of students practicing effective SEL skills 

Following the 12-week implementation of the Everyday Mental Health Classroom Resource, significant improvements were demonstrated in all five areas. 

More recently, a randomized control trial evaluation was conducted with the elementary Catholic version of this resource. It included over 200 teachers from 19 school boards and over 270 students from 11 schools.  

Findings indicated that use of the resource is associated with positive changes for teachers (such as social-emotional learning knowledge and confidence, as well as teacher well-being), student social-emotional skill development, and the classroom climate. Also, using the practices frequently has demonstrated better outcomes for students. 

It was also found that frequency of use matters. In fact, the more times a teacher implemented a practice, the better the outcomes were for students. Overall, the  resource was well received by teachers and students, easily implemented in the classroom, and helped to support students’ social-emotional learning skills as well as their general mental health and wellbeing. 

Read the highlights from the field test summary. 

Research review 

This resource anchors its categories, themes and practices in the SEL program review conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Provincial System Support Program. A summary of the literature related to social-emotional learning, and recent systematic reviews on this topic, also informs this project. 

Read the review

Social-emotional learning research briefs 

Do programs led by teachers and offered to all students’ in a classroom improve the social and emotional learning of students?  

Read the research briefs from Knowledge Network for Student Well-Being 

CAMH Provincial System Support Program social-emotional learning review 

CAMH prepared an evidence brief to outline the available evidence on specific mental health promotion interventions for school-aged children and youth. 

Read the evidence brief