20 minutes
Tech, personal learning supplies (e.g., pens, notebooks, binders, dividers, etc.), and checklists
To help students develop their skills, to better organize their thoughts, to enhance their confidence with the practice
- Help students develop their organizational skills when the task or lesson involves new materials:
- model the break-down of the task or lesson (e.g., checklists or sections)
- walk through the planning process
- Use a variety of tools to assist organizational skills (e.g., setting reminders, phone calendar, organizing software etc.).
- Check-in regularly throughout the process to monitor the completion of each component.
NOTE: Recognize some students may require more guidance or ongoing support from the teacher (such as students with specific developmental, learning or mental health needs).
- Determine the need for organizing binders/calendars:
- provide an example or give a list of what should be in binders
- provide time to sort papers, ensure that work is titled, secure etc.
As students reach higher grades and are increasingly required to manage their own time, self-management and organizational skills become more and more important (Paulsen & Sayeski, 2013). Students with strong skills will be able to do things like get homework in on time, take the opportunity for extra help when needed, and be able to perform their best at school and elsewhere (Boller, 2008). “Efficient organization and time management is the first step to becoming an independent learner; however, students must also develop and use effective self-management skills, including self-monitoring, self-evaluating, and self-reinforcing, as needed” (Paulsen & Sayeski, 2013).
Boller, B. (2008). Teaching organizational skills in middle school: Moving toward independence. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 81(4), 169-171.
Paulsen, K., & Sayeski, K. L. (2013). Using study skills to become independent learners in secondary content classes. Intervention in School and Clinic, 49(1), 39-45.
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