Need help now?

We don’t provide mental health advice, counselling, or treatment. If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact your local community crisis team. You can also reach out to the Indigenous Hope for Wellness Help Line 1-855-242-3310, the Black Youth Helpline 1-833-294-8650, or Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868.

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Watch: Our ‘Experts’ return, this year with gratitude and hope

This video is part of our Mentally Healthy Back to School Support Package, created with practical, evidence-based resources for use by Ontario school boards to promote and protect student mental health and well-being as we embark on the 2021 school year. This year, we thank the many school and board staff who do everything possible to support students, and we look forward with hope for the school year to come.  

Join us and post your #Hopeful4. Your four words, or your images and videos to thank staff and offer hope as we go back to school!