Need help now?

We don’t provide mental health advice, counselling, or treatment. If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact your local community crisis team. You can also reach out to the Indigenous Hope for Wellness Help Line 1-855-242-3310, the Black Youth Helpline 1-833-294-8650, or Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868.

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SMH-ON website enhancements for improved functionality and user experience   

As part of the 2022-23 digital content strategy, School Mental Health Ontario (SMH-ON) has been working on website improvements focused on enhancing the user experience through easier navigation. The updated site is resource focused so that school staff can quickly and easily access classroom resources that support student mental health. Updates include: 

Brian Woodland, communication and support team lead for School Mental Health Ontario says, “Through anecdotal conversations and an extensive review of the website we noted a variety of concerns that arose because of the volume of resource production during the pandemic. We worked through many of those issues and are excited to launch a revitalized site to better meet the needs of our stakeholders”.   

The site is intended as a one-stop website for evidence-informed resources designed with Ontario school staff in mind. 

“This is part of our effort to put high-quality evidence-informed resources into the hands of system/school leaders, educators, school mental health professionals, parents and caregivers, and students themselves,” says Kathy Short, executive director of School Mental Health Ontario, “Quickly and in a format that is ready-to-use to support student mental health.” 

Visit the updated site at Visitors can subscribe to updates to receive emails as new information and resources are available.  

Media Contact:   

For questions about the new website, please contact Dani Rathwell