25-30 minutes
Primary / Junior / Intermediate
Cardstock (about 4x5), technology (optional)
To introduce the class to one another or to the rest of the school community
- Fold the cardstock in half to create a card that opens from the bottom.
- On the outside of the card, students list information about themselves (e.g., favourite foods, family information, after school activities, etc.).
- On the inside of the card, students write their name and attach a photo/self-portrait.
- On the bulletin board, titled “Children of God”, add the cards and instructions to read the outside of the cards, guess, and then peek inside.
- Ask students what they learned/what surprised them about their peers.
- Repeat.
- Modify the requirements for primary students.
- Library pockets or hanging pocket organizers could be used to hold the cards.
- Reflection: How do gathering/sharing spaces strengthen a Catholic community?
Students and staff benefit from being known. This supports a sense of belonging to school (Bergin & Bergin, 2009), confidence that you matter (Marshall, 2001), and cultivates teacher-student and classmate relationships (Verschueren & Koomen, 2012; Verschueren, Doumen, Buyse, 2012).
Bergin, C., & Bergin, D. (2009). Attachment in the classroom. Educational Psychology Review, 21(2), 141-170.
Marshall, S. K. (2001). Do I matter? Construct validation of adolescents’ perceived mattering to parents and friends. Journal of adolescence, 24(4), 473-490.
Verschueren, K., & Koomen, H. M. (2012). Teacher–child relationships from an attachment perspective. Attachment & human development, 14(3), 205-211.
Verschueren, K., Doumen, S., & Buyse, E. (2012). Relationships with mother, teacher, and peers: Unique and joint effects on young children’s self-concept. Attachment & Human Development, 14(3), 233-248.
Every life is a gift from God. As we get to know more about new and existing members of our community, we acknowledge, nurture and give thanks for our individual gifts.
(1h) A discerning believer formed in the Catholic Faith Community who respects the faith traditions, world religions and the life-journeys of all people of good will.
Belonging and contributing: to develop an understanding of relationships and community, and of the ways in which people contribute to the world around them
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