Critical and creative thinking (executive functioning)
Executive functioning skills such as planning, task focus, creative problem-solving and time management help students get organized. These skills increase students' success with academic tasks and can also help them manage other complex challenges in their lives. You can model and teach these skills, and create opportunities for students to learn and practise the skills individually and together with their peers.
Decision making
The ability to make decisions effectively provides students with a sense of autonomy and control. Learning to balance the pros and cons within a situation to arrive at a good course of action can help students to avoid impulsive and risky choices.
Goal setting
Goals help students to understand expectations and plan where to focus their time and attention. Setting manageable goals creates an opportunity for achievement and can be used to break up a larger task.
Metacognition - thinking about our thinking - helps students develop an awareness of their unique ways of learning. Students who act upon this awareness tend to learn more effectively.
Developing a classroom culture that values and encourages organization can help to enhance individual students’ skills and success on academic tasks. Organizational skills help students shape positive learning habits.
Problem solving
Learning to problem solve helps students to take responsibility for their learning, deal with conflict, explore options, and develop action plans. Students can learn to identify, analyze and find solutions for obstacles.
Working memory
Working memory plays a significant role in supporting learning. It involves the ability to retain and manipulate distinct pieces of information over short periods.
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