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School Mental Health Ontario releases mentally healthy back to school support package

Together We Rise to Resilience – Supporting student mental health as we return to school

We acknowledge and celebrate the efforts of all school staff, students, families, and communities who have faced the uncertainty and upheaval of the past 18 months with stamina and strength.  And we recognize and appreciate the commitment to student mental health and well-being in classrooms across Ontario, in all of their various forms over this time.  It has made a difference. 

We know that to be ready to learn this coming year, all students need to feel a strong sense of safety, belonging and well-being at school. Our goal is to provide the supports needed to welcome and re-engage students, promoting and protecting mental health as they go back to school.  

To do so, this fall, students need: 

In response, School Mental Health Ontario developed the School Mental Health Action Plan for 2021-2022 to guide Ontario school boards with their local efforts in support of student re-engagement and well-being 

The Action Plan includes elements that support these five areas of focus 

  1. Amplify the promotive and protective influence of schools  
  1. Identify and address emerging and escalating student mental health problems  
  1. Mobilize focused support for those disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 
  1. Build and sustain strong safety nets 
  1. Provide helpful and aligned communication 

School Mental Health Ontario provides resources, training, implementation coaching, and a community of practice to help Ontario’s school boards, school authorities, and provincial demonstration schools to bring aspects of this Action Plan, and the wider school mental health strategy to life in their local context, in ways that meet the unique needs of the communities served. 

As part of our efforts to amplify the promotive and protective influence of schools, the Mentally Healthy Back to School Support Package provides practical, evidence-based resources to help Ontario school boards to warmly welcome and support students with their mental health throughout the school year. Informed by the Ontario curriculum, and developed collaboratively with practicing school mental health professionals and educators, there is an array of materials such as tip sheets, info sheets, lesson plans, presentations, videos and reflection tools ready to be implemented and customized with local need and priorities. All of the materials promote a culturally-responsive approach, with new equity resources set to launch throughout the month.  

There are resources to support: 

Many resources are now available on our website and will be shared through social media in the weeks to come. Others will be accessible to all publicly funded school boards in Ontario through our Mental Health Leadership Portal. 

With the Mentally Healthy Back to School Support Package, Ontario school boards are well-equipped to support student mental health and well-being as we embark on the new school year.  

With gratitude, and hope – we will rise together to resilience