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We don’t provide mental health advice, counselling, or treatment. If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact your local community crisis team. You can also reach out to the Indigenous Hope for Wellness Help Line 1-855-242-3310, the Black Youth Helpline 1-833-294-8650, or Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868.

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New resources focus on mentally healthy schools and classrooms

What do I do if I’m concerned about a student’s mental health? How do I know what kind of mental health promotion activities are safe for my school or classroom? What do students want from us when it comes to their mental health? These are some of the questions our new resources help answer.

Nine new resources to support student mental health

Decision Support Tool: Student Mental Health Awareness Initiatives – Version for School Administrators

This tool will help to support the school decision-making process related to particular mental health awareness products or services and aims to ensure alignment with the board/school mental health strategy and action plan.

School Mental Health Decision Support Tool: Student Mental Health Awareness Initiatives – Version for School Administrators

ONE-CALL Desk Reference

The ONE-CALL process provides educators with a step-by-step approach to support students when they exhibit signs of an emotional or behavioural issue.

One-call Desk Reference

Checklist for Educators for the Planning of Student Mental Health-Related Activities

This decision support tool for educators provides a framework for teachers in the planning and implementation of mental health and well-being materials, resources and information within the classroom.

Decision Support Tool for Classroom Teachers - Checklist for Educators for the Planning of Student Mental Health-Related Activities

6Rs Guidance Teacher Resource

The 6Rs Guidance Teacher Resource provides an approach that can be used by guidance ​teachers in supporting students seeking help for a problem with their mental health.

6Rs Guidance Teacher Resource

Tip Sheet: Talking with Parents and Families about Mental Health

This tip sheet provides ideas to consider when planning to meet and talk with parents and families.

Talking with parents

Mentally Healthy Classroom Reflection Tool

This reflection tool is designed for educators to help them consider the elements of a mentally healthy classroom.

Reflection tool for educators cover

Social-Emotional Learning Classroom Poster Series

These elementary social-emotional learning posters align with the practices set out in our everyday mental health resource and with the  Grades 1-8 Health and Physical Education curriculum.

Tense and Relax

#HearNowON: Student Voices on Mental Health – Final Report 

The report summarizes results and recommendations from our research with students across Ontario to understand their mental health knowledge needs, ideas for mental health promotion, and to hear about how students would like to be involved in mental health initiatives.

#HearNowON: Executive Summary

No Problem Too Big or Too Small: student help-seeking resource

This resource was created for students by ThriveSMH, our provincial student reference group. The resource covers self-care, how to notice when you may need help, how to get help and conversation starters. 

Help Seeking Cover

The role of schools in mental health promotion, prevention and intervention

Mental health impacts students’ availability for learning and engagement at school and in the classroom. School staff help to promote positive mental health for all students through mental health literacy, modelling and classroom activities.

In every class and school, there will be some students who may need additional support for their mental health. Early identification and prevention services can make a critical difference for a student who is having difficulty with their thoughts, behaviour or emotions. School staff have a role in helping to identify students in need of more support, and in reinforcing helpful skills and strategies.

We work together with Ontario school districts to support student mental health. Our evidenced-based resources are one of the ways we provide support. Learn more about our approach to school mental in Ontario here.